
4chan conspiracy iceberg
4chan conspiracy iceberg

4chan conspiracy iceberg

Several Internet memes have started at 4chan, including lolcats and rickrolling. When does online disinformation cross a line from mostly innocuous to harmful to others There are so many COVID 19-related conspiracy theories that range.

4chan conspiracy iceberg

4chan has been on the brink of disaster pretty much all of its. Especially since its pretty much the only place you can talk to staff. They targeted several prominent websites and internet personalities including Slashdot, Wikipedia, CNN, Barack Obama, Alex Jones, and prominent members of the blogosphere. They dont all need to be mentioned but IRC does deserve a mention. The Gay Nigger Association of America ( GNAA) was an internet trolling group. There were several server changes throughout the years. Hackers from /pol/ claimed responsibility on 4chan for breaking into a billboard in the heart of Cardiffs busy shopping district and using it to broadcast swastikas, images about Islam, a Big. x/ was initially launched in January 2005 as 4chans general photography board in February 2007, it was repurposed as a paranormal-themed board. The first IRC channel was 4chan on, announced on 4/4/04. One of the boards on the site, called "/b/", is dedicated to random topics and is often mentioned in media. The 'paranormal' board, /x/, is dedicated to discussing topics regarding unexplained phenomena, the supernatural, and non-political conspiracy theories. 7 8 9 It has had a substantial impact on Internet culture. 4 5 6 As of 2022, it is the most active board on the site. When the site started, it was for discussing anime and manga, but now many other topics are discussed. /pol/ (Redirected from Pol/) /pol/, short for ' Politically Incorrect ', 2 3 is an anonymous political discussion imageboard on 4chan. On the website, users post pictures and discuss them.

#4chan conspiracy iceberg code

It was started in 2003 by "moot" also known as Christopher Poole, who was 15 years old at the time. 4chan Poole established 4chan on October 1, 2003, using translated source code from 2chan, and sought to combine the anime culture on 2chan with the community on Something Awful. Sites such as these are called imageboards. 4chan is an English language website based on the Japanese Futaba Channel where people can post and discuss pictures and other images.

4chan conspiracy iceberg