Tracker.gg provides the latest news from your favorite games along side your personalized stats profile in order to keep you informed and ahead of the competition.
Compare your Battlefield stats against your friends or favorite streamers. r6stats - Apps on Google Play r6stats Denis Suarez Jr Contains adsIn-app purchases 2.6 star 12.7K reviews 1M+ Downloads Everyone info Install About this app arrowforward Always stay connected to. R6Stats - View and compare Rainbow Six: Siege stats with thousands of players around the world Premium. Compare stats breakdowns for every weapon and vehicle in Battlefield 2042, Battlefield 5 and Battlefield 1. Get real-time intelligence on your enemies and track your results with the new R6 Tracker. View your top classes and post-game reports. Tracker.gg also provides stats profiles for each player and stats breakdowns by gametype, including Firestorm. Our leaderboards show the leaders for every player on Origin, PlayStation and Xbox who has used our site. You can see leaderboards for combat, score and team play, including stats such as kills per minute, shots accuracy and even squad wipes. Use our BF2042, BFV, BF1 stats tracker to see who is the best in the world. 1 Fury Wins 20,488 Leaderboard 1 AssumeMyGender Accuracy 76. Tracker.gg provides Battlefield stats, as well as global and regional leaderboards for players around the world.
Feel free to comment below, or follow us so we can chat on the R6 Tracker Twitter or 's Battlefield Stats Tracker is a Tracker Network project.
We would LOVE to hear what you think about Update 2.0.

If you still didn't get it, you will in the next few hours. Track your R6 stats and compare your performance against friends & other players.
R6 Tracker 2.0 is now available to download on PC, get it here! Rollout for the new update started. Loading notification improved design as part of the new 2.0 experience.Search: Search for any player and see their profile inside the app.You can also view the profile of the players in the match inside the app by clicking on the search icon next to their name. Now with matchup summary breakdown for Avg. Live Match: Completely new design to the well known R6 Tracker match page.Operators: Stats of all the operators you played with, showing you the following stats: Time played, Win%, Wins, K/D, and Kills.Fortnite Rainbow Six Siege Call of Duty: Warzone League of Legends Apex. You can also view the roster of each match and access the player profile of all players from it by clicking on the search icon next to the player name. Fortnite Tracker is an in-game real-time tracking solution for your Fortnite stats. We will keep track of all your latest 25 matches. Match History: We will detect all the main playlist modes except for AI modes.Will include Lifetime stats, Season stats, and Top Operators stats. Your Name, Rank, and "Recent Ranked Matches" will display on the side of the app, going with you across all tabs.Once we detect your ID, you will receive access to the new player dashboard. The welcome screen will only show for the first time.